Hey hey :)
Long time no post. I went to my home town so I spent a lot of time with my family and wanted to take a rest from my mobile phone, laptop etc.
Next week I am starting to take sewing courses and I am so happy about it, I can't explain how I wanted this but till now I didn't have enough time. Finally I will learn how to sew correctly. Of course, I did something on my (very) old sewing machine before but I'm talking about small projects like little cosmetic bags or something like that. Now this is a huuuge thing :D And I am so excited!
From now on, you will have a chance to see what I did on my sewing course, I will post pictures of every (if that will be possible) single day of it. If everything will be all right, I am supposed to create and finish 4-5 pieces of clothing in my own style for myself. How great is that? :D
I am studying on Faculty of textile technology, but before that I was not in touch with sewing, I was just drawing, drawing and... drawing :) It's time for next level!
Long time no post. I went to my home town so I spent a lot of time with my family and wanted to take a rest from my mobile phone, laptop etc.
Next week I am starting to take sewing courses and I am so happy about it, I can't explain how I wanted this but till now I didn't have enough time. Finally I will learn how to sew correctly. Of course, I did something on my (very) old sewing machine before but I'm talking about small projects like little cosmetic bags or something like that. Now this is a huuuge thing :D And I am so excited!
From now on, you will have a chance to see what I did on my sewing course, I will post pictures of every (if that will be possible) single day of it. If everything will be all right, I am supposed to create and finish 4-5 pieces of clothing in my own style for myself. How great is that? :D
I am studying on Faculty of textile technology, but before that I was not in touch with sewing, I was just drawing, drawing and... drawing :) It's time for next level!
Hej hej :)
Dugo nisam pisala, otputovala sam u svoj grad i provodila vrijeme sa obitelji i zapravo se željela odmoriti od mobitela, laptopa i ostalih kradljivaca vremena.
Idući tjedan krećem na tečaj šivanja i presretna sam zbog tog, ne mogu ni objasniti koliko sam to htjela, a dosad jednostavno nisam imala vremena i prilike. Napokon je došlo vrijeme da naučim ispravno šivati. Naravno, tu i tamo sam sašila nešto na svojoj prastaroj šivaćoj mašini, ali govorim o zaista malim stvarima tipa kozmetičke torbice. Zato je ovo sad ogromna stvar! :D I totalno sam uzbuđena zbog tog!
Tako da, od sad nadalje, moći ćete ovdje vidjeti što sve radim na svom tečaju šivanja, postat ću fotke od svakog puta kad ću ići (ako će to biti moguće). Ako će sve biti u redu, trebala bih kreirati i napraviti 4-5 odjevnih komada po svojoj želji, stilu i mjerama.
Studiram na Tekstilni-tehnološkom fakultetu, ali do sad nisam bila toliko u doticaju sa šivanjem, uglavnom sam samo crtala, crtala i još malo crtala :) Vrijeme je za iduću razinu!
(pictures from weheartit.com)
This was my last piece I made, it is a bag for accessories that I wear to Drawing and painting :)
Ovo je posljednje što sam napravila na mašini, futrola za pribor koju nosim na Crtanje i slikanje :)
Wow, these photos are amazing!! I want a dress made by you!! Do you want to become a fashion designer?? :)
ReplyDeleteI hope I will someday :) Thank you :))
DeleteMnogo lijep post! I ja bih voljela naučiti šiti i imati dovoljno prostora da nabavim mašinu i počnem da sprovodim maštu u djela. :)
ReplyDeleteŽelim ti puno sreće i uspjeha! Nadam se da ćeš biti najbolji đak tamo i jedva čekam fotke. Nemoj da se obeshrabruješ ako iz početka bude teško.. Sve će to vježba da postavi na svoje mjesto.. kao i u svemu drugom u životu. :)
that's so cool! i did sewing at school but I've forgotten most of it now, I'd love to do a course too! thanks for the comment on my blog!
Sewing sounds so fun!! Following you now :)
super, bas bi i ja voljela nauciti sivati! :)
ReplyDeleteFenomenalno, srećno sa kursem, i ja sam planirala da krenem na nešto slično :)
ReplyDeletegreat inspiration :-) my sister also teach me sewing, it's so exciting and a lot of to learn
ReplyDeletevrlo poticajne sličice, ljubomorna sam na sve vas što znate nešto napraviti vlastitim rukama :D!!
ReplyDeleteGreat Inspiration! Love your blog X :)
ReplyDeleteWow, prekrasno! Uzivaj na tecaju :) Ova futrola koju si napravila je super, meni bi trebalo tako nesto za kistove za sminkanje!
ReplyDeletexx Ingrid
love your blog :) come and see
ReplyDeletemaybe u wonna follow each other :)
wonderful pictures!! i absolutely love the ones with the sewing machines! <3
ReplyDeleteOdličan post, mnogo mi se sviđa. Sretno na tečaju :) ja uživam u šivanju. Nisam završila kurs ili nešto sl., ali tu je moja mama koja me naučila svemu :D sad već dobro baratam mašinom. I najsretnija sam kada sama sebi skrojim nešto :)
ja imam toliko toga što planiram sašiti jednog dana, skupljam materijale..a mašinu nemam hhe :D
ReplyDeleteodlično si to napravila za olovke i markere :) sretno s učenjem šivanja :)
ReplyDeletepratim te ;)
cute post!
ReplyDeletecheck out my new post!
i've loved this post so much! i love to sew and making my own things! i have enjoyed it so much and i will follow!
ReplyDeletei would like you to take a look at the first dress ever i made this last summer!and to follow if you like :)
Prekrasne su mi sve ove fotkice i post! :)
Znas sivati, zavidim :)